
Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : Dubai

10 nutrigummies

Do you struggle to get your children to eat healthy? here is a solution to providing the available nutrients needed for their well being. Kiddi 24/7 NutraGummies is a specialized food supplement for kids. Kiddi 24/7 is packed with 14 essential vitamins, minerals, and 26 fruits and vegetables in gummy form that kids will surely love. you can rest assured that Kiddi 24/7 has no gelatin, yeast, wheat, daily, gluten, eggs, peanuts, artificial flavors, preservatives, or allergens.


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  1. Never pay in advance to a seller that you do not know.
  2. Even if the seller discloses their personal information or bank account details, this does not protect you from being scammed.
  3. Always request for the original receipt of purchase from the seller, to verify that the seller is the rightful owner.
  4. Avoid sending goods or payment; instead, meet in person and do COD (Cash on Delivery).
  5. Deal on public places only.