


Type : Sell
Condition : New
Location : Lot 2 block 12 mayapis st.las pinas


AP 24® Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste lightens teeth without peroxide while preventing cavities and plaque formation. This gentle, vanilla mint formula freshens breath and provides a clean, just-brushed feeling that lasts all day.

AP24 Whitening Toothpaste FACTS:

✔is it safe for kids?

✔is it ok for sensitive teeth?

✔is it ok for sensitive gums?

✔is it organic and healthy?

✔lastly, is it really effective?

✔is it ok if you have braces?

the answer is, YES! 

Try this now!

For whiter and brighter teeth that leads to confident smile

For inquiries kindly contact this no.

0935-466-3972 (TM)

0943-132-9105 (SUN)


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