
Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : Bacolod city

NBody Body Gel has powerful active ingredients which helps target non-essential fat and water deposits under the skin. The nbody body gel is topically applied to areas which are prone to fat build-ups such as arms, waists, hips, and thigh.


It helps reduce the appearance of cellulite or the lumpy deposits of body fat, especially on women’s thighs. NBody Body Gel helps give the skin a smoother and firmer texture. It also helps promote proper blood circulation.

With massage, it disassembles coagulated fats into water-soluble type and helps excrete it by sweat, urine or feces.

The Body Gel is lightweight and has ultra-fine texture thus ensuring that the active components penetrate into the depth of the skin without causing discomfort.


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