
Type : Sell
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : Dubai

Key Features

Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product

The most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation.

Formulated for easy digestion and absorption into the bloodstream.  

Lowers cholesterol level

 Protects against heart disease and complications

 Helps prevent cancer of any origin

The Complete Phyto-Energizer introduces a new concept in supplements taken for daily health and energy through a wider range of distinctly balanced nutrients that provide the crucial health value from three important areas: daily essentials, botanical energizers and system defenders that include antioxidants. The ingredients of this product work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation. Order the Complete Phyto-Energizer Online in Jumia Kenya and have it delivered straight to your doorstep.

About the Complete Phyto-Energizer

Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, Complete supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™. The ingredients of Complete work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation.

CompletePhyto-Energizer is specially formulated for easy digestion and absorption into the bloodstream. Even the capsule break up quickly in the digestive tract. In comparison with other supplements, Complete V-Caps completely disintegrate in 18 minutes or less (the proper time to ensure absorption by the body). Other brands take up to 5 times longer.

CompletePhyto-Energizer contains the following daily essentials: * 29 Vitamins/Minerals/ Trace Minerals* 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend* 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend* 18 Amino Acids* 14 Super Green foods/ Spirulina blend* 12 Mushrooms* 12 Digestive Enzymes* 12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients* 10 Essential Fatty Acids

 Complete nutrients are better absorbed into the blood stream because its V-Caps disintegrate up to 5x faster than other leading brands.

CompletePhyto-Energizer is recognized by the following:* Philippine Food and Drug Administration (PFDA)* HALAL* Kosher* Frost & Sullivan Product Quality


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